Sunday, July 21, 2013

New, better terrain in the works!

I've been working on the new terrain for the past couple of days now, and it's starting to look pretty decent, so I thought I'd update you guys.

Things that still need to be done:
Fix some blending issues
Add grass, rocks, bushes, and more trees
Custom shaders
And  broken UVs

Now for the pictures of what I have done:

We've also been doing other things including working on crouching which won't be in the first pre-alpha test because it's buggy.

 And I've been doing some work on cities so you might start seeing things on those in the coming month!

Some of you may be wondering when the first pre-alpha release will be out, and the answer is the next two weeks at most, please note this first demo will be a physics test, and not a playable game!
