Thursday, July 4, 2013

World layout

How is this world going to be laid out?

We're going to make an island with a warn sunny beach around the bottom area, lush forests above that, then mountains with trees, and above that will be the snowy craggy peaks.

Now you're probably asking yourself, "What about cities, and towns?" There is going to be a beachfront city closer to sea level, then a smaller town located somewhere in the mountains, and a small village on the snowy peaks.

How will you get the the top? We'll most likely put a helicopter in the city that you can take to the top of the mountain, because otherwise it will be mostly impossible to reach.

Leave any ideas or suggestions below! We'd love to hear them.


  1. How big is this world going to be? Will you have invisible walls to keep you from going too far?

    1. The world is going to be massive, spawn island is probably going to be around 3x3 kilometers, and then if you go sailing the ocean you'll be able to find more islands with different climates, and city types. As for the world edge I was thinking either an invisible wall way out in the water or a way you die if you go too far out in the water.

      If you have anymore more questions feel free to ask! :3


    2. Sounds like a really big world! I always liked how spore handled it: If you went too far in the water, a ginormo monster jumped up and ate you. Maybe you could handle it similarily? At any rate, it's a lot more fun than invisible walls!

    3. Yup, I like that kind of killing mechanic too. It certainly makes it more fun.

